"…who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…" 1 Chronicles 12:32
Who Wrote Chronicles? Ezra compiled and edited the Books of 1 and 2 Chronicles, drawing from the official histories and archives: "The Chronicles of King David"; the Book of Samuel, the Book of Nathan, the Prophesy of Ahijah, the Book of the Kings of Israel, the Vision of Isaiah the Prophet, and other annals. Ezra had access to journals, diaries and public records, which are now not available. What is the Difference Between Kings and Chronicles? 1 and 2 Kings give a parallel account of both the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, Chronicles focuses primarily on the southern kingdom. Three Sections of Chronicles 1: 1 Chron. 1 – 9, lists the genealogies. 2: 1 Chron. 10 – 2 Chron. 9, presents the story of the United Kingdom under King David and his son Solomon. 3: 2 Chron. 10 – 36, the story of Judah in the time of the divided kingdom. Why So Much Attention to Genealogies? Under the old Covenant land was apportioned to families and could not be sold in perpetuity. It was to remain within the family. The priesthood was also hereditary, according to families. Similarly, the kingly line was to come from the ancestry of David. The emphasis on genealogies in the Bible shows that an important part of our identity is who our parents and ancestors were. Who we marry will affect future generations, for eternity.