![]() Comparison or Contrast Imagine if churches were as energetic in Evangelism and as observant of the Great Commission as they are in repeating the Covid narrative and in observing the WHO Covid protocol! Sidelined, Silenced and Shut Down Even as churches worldwide were sidelined, silenced and shut down, in the name of fighting a virus, many church leaders became vocal and visible promoters of the sanitise your hands, take your temperature, practice social distancing, wear your mask protocols demanded by the World Health Organisation. A New Gospel More recently, many ministers have demanded that it is “a Christian duty” to “get vaccinated now!” Many equated it with “loving your neighbour.” Some pastors were photographed in their clerical collar, for billboards proclaiming: “This vaccine will save your life!” Blasphemous Banner The Methodist Church in downtown Cape Town, off Greenmarket Square, unfurled a large banner from their tower declaring: “The blood of Jesus will not save you from Covid-19 – get vaccinated now!” Quite aside from the fact that over 99% of those who contract Covid-19 recover, that statement is blasphemous. ![]() Extraordinary Dedication However, imagine if churches worldwide showed as much dedication to the fulfilment of the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ as they do to promoting the mask, sanitise, social distance, temperature taking, salvation by vaccination message of the WHO? Vigilant Have you ever seen these congregations as vigilant in challenging visitors as to their relationship to the Lord Jesus, as they are in parroting the propaganda of the Covid Cult? Emphasis Imagine if churches put as much emphasis on sanctifying your hearts as they do to sanitising your hands? Separation Imagine if they emphasised the importance of separation from the world, not being conformed to the world, as they do to social distancing? Temperature? Imagine if they urged every member and adherent of their congregation to test themselves in the light of the Word of God and evaluate their spiritual temperature as often as they diligently record 36.1 ad nauseum on these wasted reams of paper which no-one is ever going to read! Time Commitment Imagine if they spent as much time proclaiming the Gospel message as they do the Covid message? ![]() Faith or Fear? Imagine if they promoted Faith as vigorously as they have promoted fear of this virus? Imagine if they lived by the Scripture: “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 Mobilise to Evangelise Imagine if they mobilised to evangelise with the same dedication as they have adhered to the lockdown lunacy? Open Up Imagine if churches opened up as vigorously as they shut down? Go Into the Highways and Byways Imagine if churches obeyed the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ to go into the highways and byways as much as they parroted the stay at home and avoid crowds message? Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Imagine if church leaders urged their members to get out of their comfort zones as insistently as they have demanded that their congregants shelter in place? Go Into all the World and Preach the Gospel Imagine if they proclaimed the need to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature as often as they urged their people to stay at home because somebody had a cold? ![]() Worship God Imagine if they insisted that their people worship God with the same emphasis as they demand that their congregant’s wear a mask? Fellowship Imagine if they encouraged believers to greet one another with a holy kiss as the Bible tells them to as often as they insist that their congregants don’t greet anyone? Trust in God Imagine if they urged their people to trust in God as completely as they expect us all to trust the government? Fear God Alone Imagine if they insisted that we fear God alone as much as they have expected everyone to fear the virus? Let the Church Be Salt and Light Imagine if they convened meetings as often as they have cancelled meetings in the last 20 months? Back to the Bible Imagine if they urged their members to study and obey the Bible as vigorously as they have expected their members to trust the WHO? Obey God Wholeheartedly Imagine if they insisted that their members obey God as wholeheartedly as they have insisted, they obey the government? ![]() Sin is Serious Imagine if they taught their people to be as concerned about sin as they are afraid of Covid? Proclaim the Gospel of Salvation Imagine if they proclaimed the Gospel of Salvation as enthusiastically as they have proclaimed the need for vaccination? Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life Imagine if they taught that Jesus is the only way with the same insistence that they proclaim that this vaccination is the only way? The Rise of the Covid Cult The fact is that, over these last two years, we have witnessed the birth of a new religious cult, the lockdown lunacy, masquerade madness, salvation by vaccination Covid Cult. The Masquerade According to this new religious cult, Covid is original sin. Medical doctors (at least those who toe the WHO line) are the priests of this new religion. Fauci is the high priest or pope. The WHO are like the council of cardinals in a new kind of Vaccination Vatican. Wearing the mask is the outward and visible symbol of adhering to this Covid cult. Salvation by Vaccination Salvation is by vaccination. It is the equivalent of baptism. Although once is definitely not enough! This is an Anabaptist, actually multi-Baptist, cult who demands booster shot after booster shot for the veracity of the vaccination. Arminian Vaccination Cult However, you are never really saved. You can lose your salvation within months, or even weeks, after getting the so-called vaccine. And you still need to fear the virus, even after getting the vaccine! As the vaccinated can still contract the virus and spread the virus, they still need to wear a mask (or two or three), socially distance and be tested again and again. And of course, have a second shot and a booster shot and another booster shot and so on. ![]() A Vision of Vaccination Imagine if churches have a Biblical Vision of Victory with the same intensity and energy as they have been gripped by the pandemic panic? Deception and Idolatry Statism is idolatry. The salvation by vaccination Covid cult is a deception operation. Unbelievable Imagine a virus so deadly that you need to be tested to know that you have it. And a vaccine so safe that you need to be threatened to take it! An Age of Apostacy We are living in an age of deception, cowardice and apostasy. It is time to stand up, speak out and fight the good fight of Faith. Freedom is at Risk Our religious freedoms are at risk. Not even Soviet dictator, Joseph Stalin and communist mass murderer Mao Tse-Tung succeeded in closing as many churches during the Cold War as the WHO organisation has succeeded in shutting, silencing and side-lining over the last 20 months! Our Conscience on the Word of God This is a freedom of conscience issue. No government has the authority to violate the Bill of Rights, Magna Carta and the Freedoms that come from God. We need to respond in the words of the Apostle Peter: “We must obey God rather than man!” Acts 5:29 ![]() Safe Vaccines do not need Indemnity From Liability Vaccines that are safe and effective do not need to be promoted by marketing propaganda, bribes, threats, coercion, mandates and compulsion. Why are vaccine producers indemnified against liability for any and all ill-effects caused by their products? Freedoms are Foundational to Civilisation No government has the authority to interfere with Freedom of Conscience, Freedom of Opinion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Association, Freedom of Worship, Freedom of Movement, or any of the other essential freedoms which are the foundation of civilisation. Truth Does Not Fear Investigation Health does not require fear-mongering, guilt manipulation, incessant propaganda, coercion, compulsion and censorship of opposing views. Those telling the truth do not mind being questioned. Those propagating a lie always resent being questioned and seek to suppress alternative opinions. Facts are not afraid of investigation. Our Lord Jesus Christ declared: “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32 This is Not About Your Health The lockdowns have been used to advance a communist agenda through state interference and controls. The Covid crisis has clearly been used as a smokescreen for colossal corruption, that has looted many Billions of dollars of solidarity funds meant for the relief of businesses forcibly closed and workers prevented from earning a living. “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free and do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1 Peter Hammond Livingstone Fellowship
1 Comment
2/11/2022 03:12:13 pm
Hi Dr Peter Hammond
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August 2024