One of the more recent Christmas traditions has been the repeated assertions, on the internet, in the press and from some pulpits, that the 25th December could not have been our Lord's actual birthday. Examining the Historical Record According to this position, He could have been born on almost any other day of the year, except 25 December. It is asserted that 25 December. had originally been the pagan winter solstice festival, which had been taken over by the Christians to promote the new Faith. In doing so, many of the old pagan customs crept into this new Christian celebration. Numerous articles, booklets, radio programmes and T.V. documentaries have been produced asserting this position. The Myths of Time However, this opinion is itself based upon historical myths, incomplete research and ignorance of history. Christmas Predates Constantine Christians have celebrated the Incarnation and Nativity of the Lord Jesus on December 25 since the earliest centuries. Long before the conversion of Constantine in AD312, and the end of the persecution by the Roman Empire, 25 December was already established as a venerable and tenured tradition for celebrating Christmas Day.
June 2024