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An Epistle of Hope for Persecuted Christians The First letter by Apostle Peter, written in AD 64 to persecuted Christians. A title could be Grace Under Fire, or A Letter to Persecuted Christians. It is an Epistle of Hope. As John is known as the Apostle of Love and Paul is known as the Apostle of Faith, the Apostle Peter can be known as the Apostle of Hope. Biblical hope means future certainty. The Apostle of Hope This is the second of seven general epistles in the New Testament. All of them are titled according to the author who wrote them. They are not addressed to a specific church. They do not have the name of a city mentioned. Peter is the best known of all the Apostles, whom Jesus chose, during His life on earth, along with Paul, they dominate the New Testament dramatically. The Apostle Peter’s name is mentioned over 150 times in the New Testament. His brother was Andrew, who brought Peter to the Lord.