Christian Confidence
The day will come when abortion will be abolished. Killing babies in the womb will be utterly illegal and unthinkable. The sanctity of all life will be respected. Abortionists will face justice; The Law of God will be honoured and obeyed. It is inevitable. His Kingdom will come. God’s Will must be done. There is no power on earth that will be able to resist the coming Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. If God can change you, then God can use you to change some part of this world. A World in Crisis That our fallen world needs changing is beyond question. When our newspapers and films glamourise immorality, undermine the family and encourage entitlement, selfishness, greed and lust; when criminals escape justice by legal technicalities; when half of the world suffers under totalitarian dictatorships and persecution; when pornography, perversion and abortions are increasing, then we know that this world needs to be changed! Abandoning Children to Godless Baby Sitters Most Christians have abandoned their moral responsibility to bring the light of the Gospel into heathen darkness. Many Christians are allowing their own children to be brought up by godless humanism in secular humanist state schools and entertained by occultism and pagan magic through Hollywood films and television.