![]() Last week I was interviewed on a secular radio station, Radio 2000, concerning Christmas. I always appreciate the opportunity to have interviews on secular radio stations as it provides a tremendous opportunity for evangelism. During the interview I was asked whether Christmas shouldn’t be made more inclusive to accommodate other religions. (Last week I also read an article from WorldNetDaily concerning a New York village which decided to place an Islamic star and crescent alongside the community’s official Christmas tree. As the WND writer commented: “One wonders if there are any wise men amongst the town’s leaders?”). My response was that Jesus is the reason for the season. Wise men still seek Him. Christians have never suggested that Jewish people need to make Yom Kippur more inclusive for Gentiles, nor has anyone suggested that Muslims adapt Ramadan to accommodate Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists! Christmas is the greatest holiday in the year celebrating the birth of the greatest person who ever lived. The Church of Jesus Christ is still the greatest, and most effective, charitable organisation in the world. Christians do more to alleviate the suffering of fallen and lost humanity than any and all other agencies on earth. This is why we give gifts at Christmas time: to remind us and our children of the greatest gift of all – God’s Son. Jesus Christ is Emmanuel – God with us. He has come and made the greatest sacrifice to fill the greatest need for the greatest number of people in history.
Answering SkepticsARTICLES
April 2021