![]() One of the great Church Fathers, Augustine of Hippo, in what is universally recognised as one of the greatest books in History Confessions, wrote concerning God: “You have made us for Yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You.” A God Shaped Vacuum Millions of frustrated people are trying to fill their hearts, minds and souls with everything except God. The resultant depression, disillusionment, despair, sense of meaninglessness and hopelessness, have become pervasive. Mental disorders and suicides are extreme examples of mankind’s failure to find meaning and purpose in life apart from God. It is a fact that there is a God shaped vacuum in each one of us. We are created by God and we are created for God. Nothing and no one can fill that void, except the eternal Creator. Frustration You cannot substitute coca cola for petrol and expect your motor vehicle to still function effectively. Many people try to find fulfillment in fame, fortune and fun but the end result is always frustration. God and the Astronomers Astronomer Dr. Robert Jastrow, a former Director for space studies at NASA, wrote in God and the Astronomers: “Strange developments are going on in astronomy. They are fascinating, partly because of their theological implications, and partly because of the peculiar reactions of scientists.”
Answering SkepticsARTICLES
April 2021