“The Lord will be awesome to them, for He will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth; people shall worship Him, each one from his place, indeed all the shores of the nations.”
Zephaniah 2:11 Hijacked by Humanism What has happened? How has Humanism hijacked our culture? How did communists gain control of our government? How did it come to the point where church synods are even debating what constitutes marriage and whether satan or hell exists? Infiltration and Infection Plainly, Marxists have been infiltrating the five culture-shaping institutions of society. Our education institutions have been subverted by evolutionism, situation ethics, sex education and values clarification. The entertainment industry has been so subverted as to glamourise evil, popularise profanity and celebrate ugliness. In all too many sections of the news media, reality is being rearranged by a selective focus and rather than news, we are receiving humanist views and propaganda. Many religious institutions have been liberalised, ecumenised and syncretised in order to harmonise with New Age secular humanism and a revived paganism.
False ReligionsArticles
June 2021