"You shall be holy, for I the Lord Your God am Holy." Leviticus 19:2
Genesis is a universal Book and it covers many centuries. Exodus, focuses on the Israelites deliverance from Egypt and it covers years. Leviticus deals with the priestly tribe of Levi and it covers just one month. In Genesis we see man ruined. In Exodus we see man redeemed. In Leviticus we see man reverencing God. Most of Leviticus is made up of direct instructions from Almighty God. More than any other Book in the Bible, Leviticus contains the Words of God to His people as to how a sinful people can be reconciled to a Holy God, and how to worship God acceptably. In the second half of Exodus, the Tabernacle is built. Leviticus focuses on how to worship God and how to live out our Faith in society. Exodus talks about God's approach to man. Leviticus deals with man's approach to God. Exodus is about the deliverance that God brought to His people. Leviticus is about the dedication of God's people to Him. Exodus is about God's grace in setting His people free. Leviticus shows how His people can show their gratitude to God for being set free.